NeoMutt: the Command Line Email Client

Mutt is a command-line email client which can connect to IMAP/POP3 and SMTP protocols as well as read emails from local directories.

So, how do I stumbled upon it? I am trying to optimize my workflow. Having to click around a GUI-based email client isn't my thing. So, I look for alternatives.

Why Mutt? because Mutt features a keybinding which is similar to Vim. This means, a single set of shortcuts would work pretty much everywhere. Although I am using NeoMutt, things are pretty much the same in both.

All mail clients suck. This one just sucks less.

Here I am going to document how I set-up Mutt from Scratch!


Mutt and NeoMutt are available in official repositories of most of the Linux distribution. I am using Arch Linux, so I just needed to run sudo pacman -Syu neomutt. You don't need to install additional packages to get Mutt working.

One more thing, I am using NeoMutt to get access to some extra features Mutt does not provide by default. There are not many differences in UI and functionalities.

Config files

Neomutt stores system-wide config inside XDG_CONFIG_DIR(which is essentially /etc/xdg/neomutt). For per-user configs, Neomutt uses one of the following locations:

  • ~/.muttrc
  • ~/.mutt/muttrc
  • ~/.config/mutt/muttrc
  • ~/.neomuttrc
  • ~/.neomutt/neomuttrc
  • ~/.config/neomutt/muttrc

A Mutt config file generally includes a couple of sections. Let's start with the essential ones.

The 'user' configs

set realname = 'YOUR NAME'
set from = 'YOUR EMAIL'
set use_from = yes
set signature = "~/.mutt/signature"

First three fields are pretty much self-explanatory. The signature is a text file which contains my email signature and will be appended to emails I compose.

This signature field can store commands as well. For example: setting it to set signature = "fortune |" would print a random* message as my signature. Notice that pipe character(|) at the end. This tells Mutt that the value is a command, and not a file path.

* for this to work, a package called fortune-mod is needed to be installed

IMAP config

IMAP/POP3 protocol is used to read remote mailboxes. The primary difference between IMAP and POP3 is: POP3 stores emails locally and delete them from server. IMAP is just the opposite. Following is how to configure IMAP:

set imap_user = 'EMAIL ADDRESS'
set imap_authenticators="oauthbearer"
set imap_keepalive = 300
set mail_check = 120
unset imap_passive  # open a new IMAP connection automatically
set imap_oauth_refresh_command="OAUTH_HANDLER_COMMAND"

Again, there are not many things to explain in this section (except for that imap_oauth_refresh_command). Since Gmail(GSuite) discourages creating an app passwords and allowing less secure apps, I am using a method called OAuth2 to authenticate my address. More information on how to connect to Gmail with OAuth2 is available here

If you are using password-based authentication, you can mention a field called imap_password and put your password as its value. Otherwise, leave it blank. Mutt would as you for a password every time you try to log in.

FYI, IMAP stands for Internet Message Access Protocol and POP3 stands for Post Office Protocol.

SMTP config

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, a.k.a SMTP, is the protocol used for sending emails. (yes, we have two different protocols for sending and accessing email).

set smtp_url = "smtp://SMTP_URL:587"
set ssl_starttls = yes
set ssl_force_tls = yes
set smtp_authenticators="oauthbearer"
set smtp_oauth_refresh_command="OAUTH_HANDLER_COMMAND"

Here, ssl_force_tls and ssl_force_tls are responsible for enforceing a TLS connection as it's more secure.


I have a sidebar for accessing all my GMail folders easily. You don't have to enable one if you don't want to. Just skip the following config block.

set sidebar_visible
set sidebar_format = "%B%?F? [%F]?%* %?N?%N/?%S"
set mail_check_stats
bind index,pager B sidebar-toggle-visible

Setting sidebar_visible would render the sidebar window(or whatever you call it).

mail_check_stats basically fetches email stats (example: read/unread etc).

Remote Folders

Note that mail_check_stats. This is extremely important if you are enabling sidebar or want to access remote folders within Mutt. I wasted a couple of hours to find out why Mutt was unable to find my remote folders :/ Remote mailboxes can be controlled using mailboxes as well.

And the last line is a keybinding responsible for toggling view of the sidebar.


With Mutt, you can define a custom signature which would be appended to all new emails. To add a new signature, open config and add a new line: set signature = "~/.mutt/signature". Here, .mutt/signature is the file I am using to store my plaintext signature which looks something like this:


public key:
fingerprint: C8FF EB39 66E3 7BA3 DFD8

Of course, it could be any arbitrary text file(as long as the file is readable by current user)


Mutt comes with a dull colorscheme. That's not even a colorscheme, just white text on a black background. Luckily, the user can modify it to their liking.

I would recommend choosing a pre-written colorscheme for your Mutt. Or if you choose to write your own, feel free to read up documentations on Mutt website :) See this link.

Sidenote: Colors could be directly added into muttrc, but it is a good practice to keep colorscheme config in a separate file and then import them into muttrc.

If you ask me for colorscheme suggestions, I would gladly suggest Dracula and Gruvbox. They are two best colorscheme for Mutt(or for anything, in general) out there.


I think keybinding is what makes a command-line application great! Mutt, out of the box, features a Vim-like keybinding which already gives us a reason to like Mutt. hjkl is <3!

Apart from default keybindings, the user could add custom bindings as they like. It's very simple to add a new key-binding. bind is the keyword used to define a new binding.

# keybinding for toggling sidebar. honestly, this is the only
# custom binding I have right now.
bind index,pager B sidebar-toggle-visible

It's possible to define keybindings right inside muttrc. But you should move them to a separate file when they grow bigger.

Rendering HTML Emails

By default, mutt is not capable of showing HTML emails. It is a plaintext email client. So, rendering HTML emails won't make much sense.

However, HTML emails can be rendered using third-party clients, for example: lynx, links or any other software which renders HTML. A browser would also work.

To configure mutt to show HTML emails, create a file called .mailcap in home directory with following lines in it:

# brave is my default web-browser
text/html;                      brave %s; nametemplate=%s.html;
# links is a command-line web-browser
text/html;                      links -dump %s; nametemplate=%s.html; copiousoutput

Then, in muttrc, add this line: auto_view text/html. Now, Mutt will use .mailcap file to render HTML attachments using appropriate programs.

Composing an Email

To compose an email, press m. Fill-up To: address, Subject: line and other necessary pieces of information. Once you do it, Mutt will drop you in the editor you've chosen to write the email. If you have set a signature before, you will see it here.

When done writing the mail, save and exit from the editor. Mut will allow you to do final changes/adjustments. In this window, press y to send the email.

To change the default editor for composing an email, add/change this line in muttrc: set editor=whatever.

Encrypting/Signing Messages

Signing emails with a public key comes built into Mutt. There's not much set up to be done, except for you need a pair of PGP keys (I won't cover how to generate a PGP key-pair. Google it up).

Once you are done composing email, press P(essentially stands for PGP). You will see available PGP actions at the bottom of the window. Just use whatever you need.

That's it!