A list of projects I've worked on.
Developer Tools & Extensions
- MiniGrep: A mini program that copies the functionalities of GNU GREP (minus the RegEx part). I built it while learning Rust.
- GoldenFalcon: GoldenFalcon is a Command-line application that can be used to send emails. Under the hood, it uses Nodemailer to deliver the emails.
- LinkClick: A chrome extension which will enable you to reach your favorite website quickly. This is the first project I built after learning HTML, CSS and JavaScript. [Deprecated]
- InspiroTab: A Google Chrome extension to replace your default Google Chrome tab and greet you with a awesome wallpaper and a cool quote. [Deprecated]
Web Applications
- Lynx Bar: A website that contains a list of cool webapps. It has functionalities such as Searching etc. Made with Next.js
- DogeGram: Love memes? I am sure you will love DogeGram too! DogeGram is like the 'Instagram for Memes'
- Photo Editor: Had fun with filter property of CSS. Supported operations are Blur, Brightness, Contrast etc. This can export the edited image.
- Gradient Generator: A web-app to generate CSS gradient. I built this to learn JavaScript and DOM manipulation.
- Pixel Art Maker: This project is a part of Google-India Front-end Scholarship. User can create images by coloring small boxes.
Mobile Applications
- Flixx: Flixx is an android app which allows user to browse through different movie genre. It fetches information from The Movie Database.
- Focus Time: A simple Android application to keep you focused. I built this in order to learn and get better at React Native.
Libraries & Templates
- React DropDown: A React library to add DropDown menu in web-applications. It creates a drop-down component (that can be customized) based on a given Array of Values.
- Webpack TypeScript Starter: Starter template to easily set-up a new TypeScript project with Webpack. It has built-in support for CSS Modules.
- Image Resizer: SpringBoot webapp that resizes a given image based on the scale factor. It is capable of resizing images from remote location.
- React Chrome Extension: This template initializes a React project that can be deployed as a Chrome Extension. [Deprecated]
Configuration & Scripts
- Nginx Pretty Index: A Beautiful auto-index page for Nginx. It uses XSLT, HTML and CSS to achieve the styles and functionalities.
- Dotfiles: Dotfiles are text-based config files for different software. I maintain my dots so that I don't have to start from scratch everytime I change/reinstall the OS.
- Scripts: Bunch of small scripts that I wrote at past. These scripts help me automate a few repetitive tasks.
- accueil.vim: Accueil is a French phrase for Home. This is my first Vim plug-in written in VimScript. It does not do much tho, just a few text formatting.